Friday, May 15, 2015

Does Religon Validate Weed?

I commented on Why bother with Politics? blog. My classmate Adrian was taken aback by the comment David Simpson made regarding legalizing marijuana. According to the Dallas Morning News, Simpson stated that, "Marijuana comes from God and therefore shouldn't be banned by government". Adrian expressed concern regarding how this comment was appropriate to accept as an argument. The comment I made on Adrian's blog reads as followed. "It's nice to see the reaction my colleague, Adrian, had to when he read David Simpson's comment. I feel that this generation's "legalize marijuana" group is rapidly growing and although Adrian never mentioned if he supports it being legalized or not it seems as though he read and interpreted this comment without any bias. I am in complete agreement. Just about anything could fall under the "God created it" comment (depending on what you believe in) and for this to be admissible and validated as an argument is preposterous.
Like Adrian said, separation of church and state needs to remain relevant and practiced regardless of the subject matter being discussed". 

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